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realcube · 8 months ago
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˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ matchup for @slut4msby
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ if you would like a matchup, read this!
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'I am a big fan of quality time (like dream activity with a partner is sitting in the same room in silence just scrolling social media) aswell as gift giving (I love remembering small details about people and giving them gifts based on that randomly and going overboard for events)'
𓆩♡𓆪 matsukawa would be so down to do the first one
𓆩♡𓆪 like he's chill and would just thrive getting to spend any sort of time with you
𓆩♡𓆪 and omg he's so chill and a lil lazy to the point where if y'all are together and he is scrolling and finds a video/image/whatever he wants you to see, instead of just leaning over or getting up to show you irl
𓆩♡𓆪 he will just send it to you over the app 😭 despite the fact you are literally in the same room as him
𓆩♡𓆪 and if you point this out like 'issei why did you send this to me?? we're cuddling i'm RIGHT next to you'
𓆩♡𓆪 he'll be like 🤷‍♂️
𓆩♡𓆪 but whenever he shows you something, it's either some SO brainrot and unintelligible that he finds funny
𓆩♡𓆪 or it's like to with one of your interests
𓆩♡𓆪 like you mentioned you like musical theatre so he would defo send you any clips he finds of shows or links to those posts detailing new shows and tickets and stuff
𓆩♡𓆪 or for books, he'd 100% send you those twitter threads of the crazy book reviews
𓆩♡𓆪 oh and he loves hearing you recap books that you read , especially if they are unhinged or if y'all are zooted lol
𓆩♡𓆪and issei is calm but i don't think he's an introvert or shy so he would definitely thrive if you were to go all out for his birthday or vb celebrations (tho he plays for seijoh so theres not much to celebrate smh)
𓆩♡𓆪 but yeah if you were to go big for him he'd SO love that and would not be the slightest bit embarrassed by it
𓆩♡𓆪 oh and even if the event isn't related to him, he still enjoys you going overboard
𓆩♡𓆪 like if you were to dress up all fancy for a date , he'd appreciate it and take SO many pics
𓆩♡𓆪 oh and this is slightly unrelated but his camera roll is 50% choatic screenshots and 50% pictures of you
𓆩♡𓆪 i imagine his main love language is quality time but he's defo not bad at giving gifts
𓆩♡𓆪 maybe not as great as you but you can tell he always puts effort into his gifts
𓆩♡𓆪 and usually with him, he'll get you one silly/joke gift and one sentimental/serious gift
𓆩♡𓆪 like for your birthday you WILL be receiving one of those rubber shrieking chickens bc he said it reminds him of you but you will also get those expensive shoes you mentioned wanting or a designer perfume you got a tester of once while y'all were on a date and you said you liked
𓆩♡𓆪 and for your anniversary you WILL be receiving a personalised card with a picture of you both on the front except your face has been covered by the text so it's just him, but you will also get a massive bouquet of your favourite flowers and one of those framed photos of a graphic of the constellations of the day you both first met
𓆩♡𓆪 he's multi-faceted!!
'is a taller guy or around the same height (im 5’11) as i can get super insecure about my height :p'
𓆩♡𓆪 the wiki doesn't have a post-timeskip height for him </3
𓆩♡𓆪 BUT pre timeskip , homie is 6'2" so he is at least that tall post-timeskip
𓆩♡𓆪 so yes he will be taller than you and no he will not let you forget it
𓆩♡𓆪 like he will call you shorty and if you try to argue or remind him thta you are objectively tall in comparison to other ppl he'll be like 'and are the "other people" in the room with us right now? 🤨'
𓆩♡𓆪 a bit of a gaslighter but not really bc its in good fun
𓆩♡𓆪 but yeah he milks tf out of those 3" he has on you (or more depending on his time-skip height)
𓆩♡𓆪 always teasing you and asking if you need help reaching things (even if you don't need help at all)
𓆩♡𓆪 on carnival dates you'll tell him a ride you want to go on and he'll be like 'but bae sorry i don't think you're tall enough to go on 😔'
𓆩♡𓆪 sometimes you'll walk in mid-way on a conversation between him and hanamaki and they'll be laughing and you'll go 'what are you guys laughing about? 😊'
𓆩♡𓆪 and issei will be like '😬 sorry babe..... it's a tall ppl thing you wouldn't get it'
𓆩♡𓆪 meanwhile maki is 6'0" so ONE inch taller than you ARGH
𓆩♡𓆪 anyway he would NOT let you be insecure abotu your height bc firstly he thinks you're gorgeous and will make you aware of it and secondly he genuinely doesn't make a big deal out of you being tall, since you are still shorter than him after all
𓆩♡𓆪 if you are feeling extra insecure he'll be quick to remind you that you're model height
𓆩♡𓆪 however for the most part he's doesn't pay much mind to your height
𓆩♡𓆪 like to him you're not his 'tall hot gf' , you're his hot gf who is tall iykwim ??
'what i look for in a partner is not someone who is not overly clingy and can identify when i need space and wont make a huge deal out of the fact i need space'
𓆩♡𓆪 he is defo not clingy
𓆩♡𓆪 i wouldn't go as far as saying he's distant but he doesn't mind when you need your space
𓆩♡𓆪 but he will still be there for you whenever you need it
𓆩♡𓆪 and he's kinda the same bc i imagine he'd probably also need space and time alone after seijoh's loss
𓆩♡𓆪 so he'd appreciate that you're understanding of that and don't cling to him when he would prefer to be on his own
'arcade!! I love the idea of an arcade date, it really shows you a lot about a person and whether or not they are a sore winner/loser or not. And at end of the night if the date’s been going well a nice night walk and some desert c:'
𓆩♡𓆪 matsukawa would so enjoy the arcade
𓆩♡𓆪 he's a bit competitive but for the most part he just likes to tease you
𓆩♡𓆪 like if he wins he will say you're going easy on him or maybe he's just that good
𓆩♡𓆪 but if he loses he'll be like 'nahh it's coz i had an eyelash in my eye' or 'that was just a warm-up! let's go again for real.'
𓆩♡𓆪 but you can tell he is doing it in a joking way bc he loves to see you get a little worked up
𓆩♡𓆪 and plus it gives him an excuse to ask for a rematch , therefore more time spent with you = profit!!
𓆩♡𓆪 oh and you both end up playing so many games by the end of the night you have like.. thousands of tickets
𓆩♡𓆪 and have to decide together what to spend it on
𓆩♡𓆪 matsukawa will probably suggest something goofy like a slinky or those stinky , cheap little putties they offer or a rubber bouncy ball
𓆩♡𓆪 but he could be convinced to get something else like a cute keychain or plush
𓆩♡𓆪 he would insist on giving it a name and sharing custody though
𓆩♡𓆪 omg he could also be convinced to go into one of those silly photo booths they have at the arcade and take filtered pics in front of the eiffel tower and niagara falls
𓆩♡𓆪 he'll say the pics look crazy bad bc parts of you both are clipping through the background but he'll still keep the strip in his wallet or in his phonecase
𓆩♡𓆪 he'd so be down for a little sweet treat too
𓆩♡𓆪 and would lk be the type to offer you some of his cake or icecream or whatever then feed it to you 😩😩
𓆩♡𓆪 WAIT ok so if it was like a small cake he'd pick it up and when you take a bite he'd push it into your face a little so you'd get cream on your nose
𓆩♡𓆪 so he can laugh and take a pic but also that would sooo be the moment he falls for you 😵
𓆩♡𓆪 and he'd wipe it off with a napkin like a gentleman!!!
for @slut4msby: i was thinking kenma but firstly he's not tall and also i think you being an ambivert would suit matsukawa more
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So I added stuff from my previous ask blogs too @running-from-tender-salami and @awhaaaale  ((which are no longer active... *sweats nervously*
*ahem* anyways..so have fun with these :)) I’ll be adding more as I go, etc etc.
Fire Emblem Fates
Kaze, Saizo, Owain, Ushijima, and Iida with an s/o who’s feeling down on their birthday
general Takumi NSFW headcannons
Takumi college au/general headcannons
Takumi x summoner domestic, fluffy headcannons
Lon’qu, Silas, Conrad kiss, cuddle headcannons
M!Corrin & M!Grima sweet love relationship headcannons
Fire Emblem Awakening
Iwaizumi, Bakugou, Chrom, & Alm kind of girl they would fall for
Chrom x f Robin hcs where Robins gets injured in battle
Cordelia with a soft & shy m!Robin confession/relationship hcs
Lon’qu, Silas, Conrad kiss, cuddle headcannons
M!Corrin & M!Grima sweet love relationship headcannons
Lucina x f!Robin confession and relationship headcannons
Cordelia with a dom m!summoner N/SFW headcannons
Fire Emblem Echoes
Izuku, Alm, & Ephraim with an s/o who likes to touch, grab, and bite their butts
Iwaizumi, Bakugou, Chrom, & Alm kind of girl they would fall for
Lon’qu, Silas, Conrad kiss, cuddle headcannons
Lukas N/SFW relationship headcannons
Fire Emblem (general)
Izuku, Alm, & Ephraim with an s/o who likes to touch, grab, and bite their butts
Bakugo, Midoriya, & Ephraim with future s/o who doesn’t think they reciprocate her feelings so she decides to step away
L!Ephraim & f!summoner N/SFW relationship headcannons
Zelgius N/SFW relationship headcannons
Linus N/SFW relationship hcs with m!summoner who’s like him, but more relaxed
Diabolik Lovers
Diaboys reacting to an s/o who gives them the funniest, most back-handed compliments
S&M brothers reacting to Yui telling them she’s pregnant
Haikyuu!! boys at the beach gifs
Haikyuu!! as Guardians of the Galaxy (Part 1)
Haikyuu!! as Guardians of the Galaxy (Part 2)
Karasuno best laughs
Karasuno MBTI types
Nekoma MBTI types
Aobajohsai MBTI types
Bakugo, Gintoki, & Kuuro with an s/o who likes to touch, grab, and bite their butts
Kaze, Saizo, Owain, Ushijima, and Iida with an s/o who’s feeling down on their birthday
Aone, Kyoutani, & Tendou giving body positive oral to self conscious female s/o
Kageyama getting advice from his kouhais to confess to crush
Bakugou, Midoriya, & Iwaizumi kissing and their favorite kind of kissing
Iwaizumi, Bakugou, Chrom, & Alm kind of girl they would fall for
Yona of the Dawn
Happy Hungry Bunch having a tickle fight with their female s/o
Geun-tae & Yunho general relationship headcannons
general Kyo-ga’s type and what he looks for in a partner
Kija, Shin-ah, & Hak fluffy headcannons with a male s/o
Nijiiro Days
the pairings with NSFW relationship headcannons
Keiichi and Nozomi general relationship headcannons
Mystic Messenger
MysMes kids hcs of finding their crush/MC has been rejected from their top choice grad school
Yoosung, Saeyoung, & Saeran watching their s/o falling out of a tree very ungracefully
Tokyo Ghoul
Ayato, Tatara, Kaneki, Amon, & Arima papa headcannons
General Tatara headcannons
Tatara and Kaneki with a pregnant s/o (human and ghoul)
Tatara and Kaneki fluffy scenarios with human s/o
Tatara with an s/o who’s afraid of thunderstorms
Tatara and Kaneki scenarios with a shy s/o (human and ghoul)
Kaneki’s crush turning out to be a ghoul scenario
Furuta confronting a pregnant!s/o who turned him into the CCG
My Hero Academia
Izuku, Alm, & Ephraim with an s/o who likes to touch, grab, and bite their butts
Bakugo, Gintoki, & Kuuro with an s/o who likes to touch, grab, and bite their butts
Kaze, Saizo, Owain, Ushijima, and Iida with an s/o who’s feeling down on their birthday
Bakugou, Midoriya, & Iwaizumi kissing and their favorite kind of kissing
Iwaizumi, Bakugou, Chrom, & Alm kind of girl they would fall for
Bakugo, Midoriya, & Ephraim with future s/o who doesn’t think they reciprocate her feelings so she decides to step away
Inasa and Todoroki scenario where they fall for the same girl
Hunter x Hunter
Leorio with a chubby, insecure s/o
Killua and Gon and their reunion headcannons
Bakugo, Gintoki, & Kuuro with an s/o who likes to touch, grab, and bite their butts
Kamui with his long time gf telling him she’s pregnant
MBTI stereotypes as anime characters
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heeyjuuuude · 4 years ago
6, 10, 19 for the fic writing asks?
six (idea that you wanted to make work but couldn’t): i feel like that’s ... half of my check please headcanons, but one i don’t think i’ve posted about would be my smh dreamsharing au!
ten (favorite line or lines of dialogue you’ve written): i’m not sure this counts as dialogue, and it’s not even from anything i’ve posted, but oh well. this is going under a cut because the formatting makes it long.
elodie 2:14 a.m.
have u ever realized that when you say forwards and back
ur lips move in those directions
cooper 2:15 a.m.
lol elodie why
elodie 2:19 a.m.
i mean u tried it did u not
cooper 2:19 a.m.
you have no prooffffff
lucy 2:27 a.m.
elodie 2:29 a.m.
THANK u lucy
nineteen (do you make up scenes on the go? who pops up the most? do you write them down?): i make up scenes in random places ALL the time. it used to be a lot of bitty or dex and nursey, but lately it’s been mostly elodie and naomi or elodie and lucy.
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mai-the-crow · 4 years ago
yes he bullied!!! but it wasn't just that; he sexually assaulted, i feel like that's at least on the same level as "dark magic"?????
"Ofc he gon target slytherins, the dubbed house for all evil, and ofc he gon be an annoying arrogant prick."
you literally just admitted that james is prejudiced and a product of his parents (shifting the blame onto his parents for BEING NICE- no he's spoiled if he thinks he can be a prick since he has loving parents)
so lookit this: severus is also a product of his parents and enviroment but it's actually true wow he's been neglected n abused that fucks people up,,, n then he joined slytherins, like is he supposed to go to outer mongolia to find friends he literally lives with the slytherins?? he can't avoid them, he sleeps with them smh soo there are these powerful friends that are offering him acceptance while the "light" is covering up how he nearly died, excusing sexual assault, etc. which one would you choose lmao (p.s. he's also been groomed into the DEs)
the difference is that snape had terrible parents and still grew up to be good for the majority of his life, james had loving parents and was an asshole for the majority of his life
LMFAOO ok but snape was also prepared to die alone, without recognition for spying for over a decade, and snape grew up more than james did at the age of twenty,,, like twenty year old snape ready to endanger his life for the first person that prolly truly care about him, james still sneaking out of the house with his special cloak there isn't thta much evidence james matured n even if he did for lily how is that affecting snape the guy he tormented
and uhhh if someone gave me tRAUMA like being sexually assaulted nearly murdered n wayy more i'd be stuck in time too??,, like as a trauma survivor, my parents didn't abuse me sexually or try to murder me, but i still can't forgive them and do you know how invalidationg that statement is for trauma surviviors/sexual assault survivors in particular
James Potter died wandless, alone, betrayed, and hopeless on a staircase. This man had never been more dedicated to anything IN HIS LIFE then he was to Lily. In his final moments all he did was try to buy them time. Try to save them. Can you imagine dying and not knowing if your wife and son are safe. Can you imagine the failure he would have felt. All of this… all of this and JK Rowling goes “uwu Snape!” I think the fuck not! I WANT JUSTICE!
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victoraronesino-blog · 8 years ago
July 3, 1:14 I can't sleep I Lowkey miss a relationship .. thinking about how I was right that you were gonna leave me .. faviola I was right I rememeber when I said baby please don't ever leave .. I really miss you even your toxic for me .. I really love you I wanna be with you .. I miss sleeping with your .. and your laugh and how funny you are. The reason why I don't think I'll ever be happy is cause there not you all I want is you if there not you then I don't think Ima be happy . Honestly .. I remember the times we got winged stop 😊 shit was amazing .. I was so happy ... I can't believe I would be sad like wtf the fuck is wrong with me like I'm. Sorry I'm like this .. shit Daum favi I hope you doing good ... i hoping he's making you happy .. is he worth it? Are you loyal to him are you happy? Do you think about me? Or no ...... I'm feeling like empty ... I just am wondering why still like always but why tho a, I stuck on you ... I just feel like disappointed .. sad wanting to cry and how my family does want me anymore I feel it and how I can't even be home ... like yesterday my mom overwhelmed with emotions and shit and expect me to know and shit like I swear I'm just a teen I got a lot of shit going thru my head it's hard enough to deal with shit and you gotta add on to my plate of thoughts,... fuck faviola you really had leave me huh .. I just wanted you baby and I fucken told you that I loved you ... I told you I can't live with out you but nah ... I told you everything part of my life more than anyone ...... like fuck why did you gotta do me like this faviola ... I fucken miss you everyone leaves me ... I don't got anyone who's 💯 with me no more like fuck ... everyone hurts me ... she was all I needed all I craved want thirsted for ... I didn't need one but you .... I would give up everything for you again ..... I think honestly like fuck I'm so weak for you .. I feel my heart lowkey hurting like it's breaking ... I'm not crying I'm just staring at this eye iPad blankly .. this is why I never sleep cause of you ... I miss playing hide and seek with you and you brother and sisters .... but oh whale .... just me thinking how you fucking him and sucking him up and shit ... lowkey hurts me and you loving him .... lowkey hurts me ... was I not the one? Like why him was he better cute or what please tell me .... why couldn't you just say you didn't want me instead of me getting sprung on you huh? Why favi you honestly make me wanna kill my self more like honestly I'm gonna start smoking again ... thanks to you .. my life rn really getting close to an end honestly no one is really making me wanna be here ... I don't feel wanted happy just moments ... I just wanna be in your arms happy crying saying I fuckened missed you and crying and balling my eyes out saying why did you have to leave me . Like fuck the memeories I had with you .. your birthday .. I was so nervous I fucken misss you so fucken much .... like it's hurts my soul I have so much balled up I JUST WANNNANNA FUCKEN BE WITH YOU FAVIIIIII I FUCKEN MISSSS YOUR STUPIED ASSS .... you made me so happy more than anyone else did .... like please I hope you come back one day ............. idk why I'm waiting I'm lowkey might start crying ....fuck dude I'm not crying but when I start to think I just become like black blanking stareing and just think about you ... I ain't even gonna talk to anyone about my problems ... honestly just Ima die one of these days and who ever sees this I say sorry for making you crying ... and it's just the way I feel there's nothing to it I have a father who never wants me in his life he doesn't try doesn't make me feel wanted .. it really hurts. Me I really miss on how me and my father were before my step mom plus my dad hit me with a stick when we went to Mexico and I remember crying washing my shit pants on a scrub board in my underwear while he hit me ... and on how he just is ... like he not a total asshole but idk just we never talk ... and my mother I love her so much but you would beat me cause my father stupied ass descion when I was young and I rememeber that time you left and said you weren't gonna come back and when you told me my dad didn't want me like as you made my dad practically come in you and that shit makes me feel so unwanted ... and I remember how we were cool mom then you had a big ass mouth and told everyone everything so I stopped being close to her and the number one thing that fucked me up the most last year my mom told me she wishes she had an abortion just cause my grandma wanted money and I was like I would give to her so she would stfu . And she was mad but you gotta be careful what you say when your mad cause honestly it fucken hurts what people say ... but the point is when my mom said thta day I went to he movies with a girl was 19 and I was 16 and I was broken asf I just wanted to die ... and before this happened my ex lied to me about being pregnant and cheated on me and played with me and played a njgga ... like honestly I never have good luck with love but yeah and I was broken but not as bad as I am rn cause I went thru that and those 5 months I thought about scucide and death and the meaning of life .. and if I didn't go thru that I bet I would be dead rn honestly if it was for my ex I would be dead from my last ex cause my last ex hurt me so bad ... but back to the story me and that girl didn't really talk at all we were just friends and shit and we were getting close talking about real shit and she told me her scrects about her life and shit and it was really serious and I thought we had an connection and she had a thing with an other dude and I was like I thought we had a thing and she was crying on my shoulder and I was lowkey dieing inside but I was still there for her even tho she made me feel like that .. and not once I tryed anything with her and we would hang out like around 12 am till like 8 or 6 am in the morning ... and we just hang out ... now I'm talk about the day of me and my exs break up that morning I woke up cause I only slept for 4 hours cause I couldn't sleep right or eat right cause me and her were friends for 2 days but still talk and I oculdnt do it no more and she called me saying Ima turn off my phone cause I wanna think about shit and that day I was planning on going to her house cause I hate talking threw the phone .. so I went to her house around 3 and she didn't get home till like 4 and she got a ride from someone she said her friend but idk and she looked really pretty even prettier when she was with me .. and it lowkey hurt and I was like can we talk pleas ei wanna know wat we are like I can't eat or sleep right I neeeda know favi ... what are we and I acted like I was gonna leave and I felt like you weren't gonna try to stop me so I just would come back ... I just wanted to see if you wanted and you told me finally after like 20 minutes talking about how you wanna be friends and shit ... you said it you don't want me no more ... and then I fucken broke .. crying . And I was like really ... duammm .... favi I fucken gave you my everything Ik it ain't much but it was everything and you just left me broke me and then I just started beggin her .. I said I would let her do what ever she wants cheat on me fuck other dudes if you want space I'll give you space .... like I was really willing to let her fucken kill me inside out for just to be with her ,... I was that in love with her ....I fucken begged her on my knees crying my heart out saying please and ahit .. and she took me back and for an hour we were just like distinct and I just layed there wish she would come over here to this couch and hug me ... but I didn't say anything cause I didn't wanna lose her ... then we were cool and around 4 or 5 I went to the room with her and we were just laying down teying to go to sleep and I was huggin her and like her phone keep on ringing ... and I was like nah chill idc ... lowkey was hurting me and then I kinda got horny and I started kissing her neck and stuff and then I rubbed her p thru her close and she didn't want me to till I turned her on and then I fingered her and I felt a weird but witch made me believe she fucked someone else most likely ... and then I made her cum and I lowkey wanted to fuck but she didn't want to and then her phone rang again and I was like oml and I looked and It was him ... micheal camargo... saying so wait what are we ... what are we ... that shit made me so mad dead inside ... hurt I was like really favi ... like that ... just like that .... your just gonna move on that quick ... like Duma favi .... and I was mad I wanted to hit her but I was like nah Ima leave so I called my uncle and he didn't wanna give me a ride till I begged him crying saying I won't ask for anything else ..... and shit he's like yeah and I was like pick me up at the 711 and then I was walking out and the parents of hers were outside in the living room and her mom asked me what happened nad I didn't say anything just ask her ... and then she asked are you okay and I was like no and she was like you got a ride and I was like yeah and then I sat outside the house for alittle crying ...... in cats it was so windy and sandy ..... I just was fucking hurting wanting to die thinking like what the living fuck did I do wrong .... like daum Victor you are such a fuck up ........ smh victor and then I started walking to 711 and each car that pasted by I was thinking of walking towards it .... and it was so tempting and I got to 711 and got a drink and waited there thinking like oh her parents will try to find me or something but nah I got picked up .... and shit and that's that ... and also I didn't eat shit for to days like literally nothing till I hung out with Julissa real she made me eat food .... and make me become kind of normal but I honestly wish I just died ...
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